LOTRO: Exclusive End of Testing Images

by on Apr 02, 2007

<b>Exclusive End of Testing Images</b><br /> <br /> Recently, Micajah <a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=547">ran an article</a> detailing the events thrown by Turbine in the last night of the Lord of

Exclusive End of Testing Images

Recently, Micajah ran an article detailing the events thrown by Turbine in the last night of the Lord of the Rings Online closed beta. While his flight from Bree to Trestle Bridge to Rivendell is well-documented with pictures, he was unable to get any shots of the actual drakes that were attacking the elven city. With help from his friend Elizabeth (thanks!), we now have several images of the drakes that were attacking the town were the Fellowship of the Ring banded together on their trip across Middle Earth.

Don't miss out! Get clicking to check them out.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016