LoTRO: Exploring Middle-Earth - Ost Guruth

by on Nov 07, 2007

<strong>Tolkien was a master of coming up with strange names.</strong> The LoTRO lorebook has been updated with a new Exploring Middle-Earth entry. This one focuses on Ost Guruth, home of the Eglain.

Tolkien was a master of coming up with strange names.

The LoTRO lorebook has been updated with a new Exploring Middle-Earth entry. This one focuses on Ost Guruth, home of the Eglain.

To the east of Bree-land lies a largely barren and uninhabited stretch of wilderness known as the Lone-lands. Usually the only life seen in these lands are scattered birds and wildlife. On rare occasions a traveller upon the Great East Road may be spied. Hidden among the ruins of the ancient fortresses there can be found the Eglain. These are descendants of an ancient people who have forsaken the towns and cities of “civilized” folk and choose to live as free men in the wild. They scavenge trinkets and relics from the remnants of Arnor to trade for the necessities of life.

See the new entry at the LoTRO Lorebook.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016