LotRO Interview with Craig Alexander and Meghan 'Patience' Rodberg

by on May 29, 2009

<p>The Seattle <a href="http://www.2009.loginconference.com/press.php" target="_blank">LOGIN Conference</a> has come to a close, but MMORPG.com managed to catch up to Turbine's VP of Development Craig Alexander and Community Manager Meghan 'Patience' Rodb

The Seattle LOGIN Conference has come to a close, but MMORPG.com managed to catch up to Turbine's VP of Development Craig Alexander and Community Manager Meghan 'Patience' Rodberg before it ended and get an update on Lord of the Rings Online. The two talked about their freedom of design and things to come for Middle-earth and some of the new upcoming content such as the Summer Festivals, complete with new events and dance moves. There is even a little talk about Rohan and Helm's Deep and what developers could do with that area in the game.

“Well, you know, we have the rights out to 2017 right now, and the second book comes next, not to mention that rights can be extended. As new areas, new lands, new cities are discovered by the players in game, what’s to say that the next city won’t have a specialist class as yet to be encountered? There’s Rohan… Helms Deep… and countless other places East of the Misty Mountains,” said Craig.

You can read the full interview here. Discuss this and more on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016