LoTRO: Landmark - The Eavespires

by on Nov 01, 2007

<strong>Tree-herding sounds like kind of an easy job. I wonder how good the benefits are?</strong> The latest update to the LoTRO Lorebook examines the Eavespires, a sacred grove near Lake Evendim.

Tree-herding sounds like kind of an easy job. I wonder how good the benefits are?

The latest update to the LoTRO Lorebook examines the Eavespires, a sacred grove near Lake Evendim.

In the woods beside Lake Evendim can be found a tranquil and ancient grove called the Eavespires. It is said that long ago an Ent, one of the mighty tree-herders of Fangorn, came here in search of something his people had lost. It may be that he dwells there yet, for an Age is but a short time to that most ancient of peoples, and the Eavespires has been a vale of peace for a very long time.

Hop along over to the LoTRO Lorebook to keep reading.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016