LotRO Over 50 Dev Diaries

by on Oct 20, 2008

<strong>How will you progress through Middle-Earth?</strong>

How will you progress through Middle-Earth?

The expansion Mines of Moria for Lord of the Rings Online is fast approaching, releasing next month on the 18th. To help you progress to level 60, the dev's at Turbine have released several diaries showing the progression paths for each class. Today they've come out with the diaries for Captain, Guardians and Wardens.

With the release of The Lord of the Rings Online™: Mines of Moria™, players will be able to advance their characters up to level 60 and gain access to new traits, virtues, skills, and class quests. We're excited to present the next three developer diaries describing character advancement past level 50 - check out these Captain, Guardian, or Warden diaries for more information!

For more information, please visit the Lord of the Rings Online official site.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016