LotRO September 26th Forum Discussion Summary

by on Sep 25, 2008

<h1 style="color: rgb(160, 184, 216);">September 26 LotRO Forum Discussion Summary</h1> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" align="right"> <tr><td>

September 26 LotRO Forum
Discussion Summary

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By Darkgolem
style="font-style: italic;">

This week's forum discussion summary is full of strong opinions. 
A new scam happening over at the rift, some concerns about music,
emotes.. all these and more in the summary to hear about.  None
the less, while this sort of talk is a bit of a downer, it is
definitely what people are talking about this week over at the Lord of
the Rings Online forums, so make sure to keep informed in what is going
on in your favorite MMOG!

1.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=163091">New scam in game

"Last night on Silverlode I logged in and got an invite to
the rift. I
said ok. They needed a minstrel so I invited a friend. (not mentioning
names as that will just get the thread locked). We accepted the invite
and see a raid screen setup. My friend asked "Um 24 people for the
rift?" the leader replied yes we will break off into two groups
shortly. Which sounded ok. We were summoned to the rift and then
dropped. When we tracked down the supposed leader he said he was
looking for the best candidates and chose them and dropped the rest,
without a word. When we pointed out this was not very nice and pretty
rude, he said "Oh grow up it's just a game".

I am so sick and tired of being made the fool of by worthless jerks in
game. I doubt anyone at Turbine could ever stop this, but I wanted the
decent players in game to be made aware.

The old story is true I guess. "If it sounds too good to be true..."

To those that do this, and are sitting out there laughing, your parents
must be so proud... If you went into the west tomorrow, would.."

2.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=163552">Moor Cowbell?

"I played WoW for quite some time after launch. While it's
to bash it simultaneously extolling the cerebral virtues of LotRO, WoW
is fun for the most part. But one thing that always bugged me, even
though it was cute at first, were the majority of the quests being
wacky, pop-culture referenced fun fests.

Hurrah, I though to myself, LotRO is free of that nonsense. Then I saw
someone spamming the Moor Cowbell in one of the chat channels. First of
all, that skit from SNL is so tired (you know, Christopher Walken,
Don't Fear the Reaper, etc), funny as it was at the time. Then I was
alarmed, is LotRO also filled with these damned pop-culture references?
My main is only level 20, so I haven't seen many areas. Are the dev's
starting to fill the.."

3.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=163988">Does CoC
protect unethical actions by players?

"I posted this under "New scam" but I wanted to bring this
issue front
and center with it's own thread and discussion. This is not a flame,
this is not a rant, this thread does not finger the individual in
question, it is anonymous. BUT this is something I fully intend on
getting Turbine to address:

On Silverlode there is one player who is making a name for himself by
methodically scamming other players. It almost appears like he sees it
as a sport, something to crow about.

Maybe I'm a little slow, but it seems that the CoC is being used as a
safe-harbor for this kind of action, allowing them to safely steal from
other players with no threat of recourse. Code of Conduct prevents us
from calling them out for actions that are truly unethical and

AND when we do contact the GM we get the "oh we can't ..." and the GM
punts the call. No action taken, more players getting ripped off.

I'm not going to let this rest. Not because he ripped me off after he
befriended me, but rather there are other people getting taken by him.
He is offering to do crafting then he walks away with their materials
and funds. But that is only the tip of the iceberg.

As a military veteran, I understand a code of conduct. But that Code
should ALSO be there to protect unsuspecting players from vultures like
this specific player.

His offenses are document by a number of people. At this time I am
documenting my experience with screen shots and testimonies. I intend
take this and address Turbine "knee cap to knee cap" about it. People
coming to LotRO should not have to endure unethical actions. To see him
laugh at them and proclaim "YOU HAVE BEEN BURGLED" (I have a screen
shot of that one as he harassed me in Ettenmoors DoF this morning).

This player is a cancer to a good game. This is not a "once in awhile"
thing, he.."

4.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=164063">Turbine's
in-development console game is a version, or extension, of Lord of the

"Article: href="http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=228693">Read it

'Steefel also gave the clearest indication yet that Turbine's
in-development console game is a version, or extension, of Lord of the
Rings Online."Consoles only have a certain number of buttons, so how do
you help someone use a console controller to manage inventory and
skills and traits and deeds and crafting items and all that stuff in a
way that's not just painful," he said, naming several game play
specific to Lord of the Rings..'"

5.   href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=164224">New emote

"Okay, I have now seen everything. I wonder who is making
decisions? What you may ask am I ranting about?

/fart is a new emote.

I think the collective age at Turbine is 12. I can see it now, "Dude
pull my finger"

Is this really.."

6.   href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=160946">Will we ever
encounter the Great Eagles?

"Crazy talk about flying mounts aside, will we ever
encounter Gwahir
and his posse in-game?

They only make a few, brief appearances in the books, and they are of
course rare and leery of men, etc. But we do have the Misty Mountains
in-game already; and we know that so far, at least one other flying
creature from the books does make a sort of appearance. (I'm not
counting Thorog or the drakes here.)

Hope nobody else has asked this.."

Do not miss this week's articles at the Ten Ton Hammer LotRO

Quest Guide href="http://lotro.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=719">Book
10: City of Kings Epic Quest Walk-through

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016