LotRO Weekly Forum Discussion Summary August 15

by on Aug 14, 2008

<h1 style="color: rgb(160, 184, 216);">LotRO 8/15 Weekly Forum Discussion Summary</h1> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" align="right"> <tr><td>

LotRO 8/15 Weekly Forum
Discussion Summary

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By Darkgolem

On the LotRO forums this week, conversation went from talking about
book 14
exclusively, to something a little more balanced with regard to subject
matter.  Some interesting forum posts include discussing the final
chapters of book 14 (spoilers warning), talking about the proclivity of
magic in LotRO, and whether the developers have their own exclusive
kinship.  There is a nice in-depth look at the game economy, and
the still-active forum post about how far people have gotten in
completing ring-lore quests toward unlocking the final chapters of book
14 for their server.

Enjoy this week's summary of all the forum discussion below...

1.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=156214">Climax of Book
14 is *awesome*!

"Yes, there are spoilers to the end of book 14.

So, once Elendilmir hit 70k ring lore at 3am EST, a few friends and I
decided to spend the next 3 hours doing 14.7-14.15,  And it was
worth it!

While 14.9 was not planned out very well,  it was amusing to watch
talk about in vent. 14.12 was slightly annoying, but I think 14.1 was
harder. 14.15, however, for a lore geek like me, was just made of win.
The hour or so..."

2.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=156121">One Magic
thread to rule them all!

"This thread is not intended as a place to discuss
the Moria
expansion or any of the new classes that are associated with it. There
are already a number of threads where good discussion can be had
that, I suggest you go there if you have bones to chew regarding the
ornon-breaking of lore issues.
This thread is about cataloging all the places in the Lord
of the Rings books where someone does something that could be described
as magical in the Tolkien sense of the word, I'd like to see just how
often and how much magic is really in Middle-Earth.."

3. href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=156119">Dev's playing
at home?

"I know some of the dev's play the game on their own
time. I'm curious if you are all in a kinship together or if you joined
random kinships with outside the company friends? Is there a TURBINE
running around one of the servers filled with developers? I don't

4.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=155394">Why the LOTRO
Economy is Not Broken

"Why the LOTRO Economy is Not Broken

And what you need to do to keep it that way

Version 1.0.3; created by King_Moogle

Updated as of 8/11/08 with an article on Gold Selling

Greetings, all! The purpose of this post is to sway those who believe
that the LOTRO Economy is out of sync. It is the belief of the author
that the economy is in fact healthy, and this article will attempt to
evaluate that claim. There shall be three separate sections wherein
this goal will be carried out. First, this article will attempt to
clearly and succinctly describe the present system for those who may
not understand it. Second, it will evaluate the self-correcting
mechanisms in place..."

5.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=152812">NEW Server
Ring-Lore Numbers

"Please post in Eastern Daylight Savings time
(EDT); for clarity do not
say server time, hobbit time, or lunchtime.

Please post numbers as close as possible to 8am, 12 noon, and 8pm EDT.
Of course you can post additional times (I know some servers are really
excited) but I will use the posts closest to the time listed
above.   I will attempt to update this post around the times
listed above. (I
will also try to do a late night post with any additional info.) 
I am not going on vacation. 

COMPLETED (in order): Brandywine, Elendilmir, Landroval

Current Standings Leader (<100%): Silverlode

Current North American Server Standings:..."

6.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=155768">Rune Keeper and
Humble Pie

"The Runekeeper is the first real magic user
class in LOTRO, with the
ability to both nuke anything and heal allies. The caveat is that each
time you use an offensive or defensive ability, it pulls the
Runekeeper's abilities towards that particular school. So over the
course of a fight you may be constantly blowing up things, unlocking
more destructive spells and making your attacks more effective.
However, this may dampen or even lock out some of your healing
abilities, and vice versa if you're healing a group. While this doesn't
affect soloing ability until the later levels, it makes..."

Do not miss this weeks articles at the Lord of the
Rings Online
community here at Ten Ton Hammer!

3 Auction House Price Guide Update: Metalsmithing Products href="http://lotro.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=393">Falathlorn
Quest Guide Item Update href="http://lotro.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=701">Mines
of Moria New Concept Art

Comment about this weeks summary href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?t=32557">in our

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016