Love and Romance Online?

by on Aug 17, 2007

Love and Romance Online?
By Charabis

Perhaps the strangest thing to come out of MMOGs is the close relationships that can form between people. Sometimes, those bonds go beyond mere friendship, and evolve into something much more...or does it?

...Even should this not be the case and they really are falling for you, how much do you really know about them? I've had many friends go to meet someone they met online, with less than spectacular results. One thought he was meeting a beautiful, 21 year old girl. He arrived to be met by a heavy-set, balding guy in his 40s. I can only imagine what that must have been like for him, but I do know he was devastated by it...

This is one topic you don't want to miss! Read the whole thing here! =)

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016