Lunar Festival

by on Feb 10, 2008

<h1>Lunar Festival Guide</h1> <hr /> <IFRAME SRC="" WIDTH="310" HEIGHT="260" SCROLLING="NO" ALIGN="RIGHT" FRAMEBORDER="0"></iframe>

Lunar Festival Guide

The Lunar Festival is a holiday that correlates with the real life Chinese New Year. Each year around the time of the actual Chinese New Year Blizzard launches the Lunar Festival which starts two days before the actual Chinese New Year and lasts for eighteen days (a little over two weeks). During the festival there are events and decorations inside of all the capital cities while the underused zone of Moonglade gets completely revamped with various quests for the holiday.


In World of Warcraft the Lunar Festival is a celebration of Azeroth’s ancestors. The various quests you’ll undertake all reflect upon the elders and ancestors, both alive and dead, that exist throughout the world. The token collecting quest plays heavily into honoring one’s elders as it sends you throughout the world seeking out elders to honor.


Decorations are played within every capital city along with Nighthaven and Moonglades. Various NPCs are located in the capital cities which offer to sell fireworks & various goodies, give teleportation scrolls to Moonglade (they last 24 hours and can be useful for switching continents), and inform the great citizens of Azeroth just what the holiday is about.

Firework launchers are located with some of the NPCs in the capital cities where you can throw fireworks into them and they blast out with pretty show. Engineers can also obtain recipes that allow them to create firework launchers and Tailors can obtain recipes to create the Lunar holiday clothing.

Collecting Coins of Ancestry

There are exactly 50 elders which when interacted with will give you one [Coin of Ancestry]. Roughly eight hours after obtaining their coin they will mail you either an Elune Stone or a Lucky Rocket Cluster. The stone shines light around an area and the rockets give a 250 health bonus to those around the launcher. Below is a table of the coordinates for the elders if you wish to go and hunt them down. The coins can be turned into Valadar Starsong for various goodies (see table below).


Name Zone Coords Riversong Ashenvale 35,48 Skygleam Azshara 72,85 High Mountain The Barrens 45,58 Moonwarden The Barrens 51,28 Windtotem The Barrens 62,37 Starweave Darkshore 36,46 Bladeswift Darnassus 33,14 Runetotem Durotar 54,44 Nightwind Felwood 37,52 Grimtotem Feralas 76,37 Mistwalker Feralas 62,31 Bloodhoof Mulgore 48,53 Darkhorn Orgrimmar 41,33 Bladesing Silithus 50,36 Primestone Sillithus 23,12 Dreamseer Tanaris 50,28 Ragetotem Tanaris 36,80 Bladeleaf Teldrassil 57,60 Skyseer Thousand Needles 45,50 Morningdew The Shimmering Flats 79,77 Proundhorn Thunder Bluff 72,23 Thunderhorn Un'Goro Crater 51,75 Brightspear Winterspring 55,43 Stonespire Winterspring 61,37 Splitrock Maraudon - Tunnel leading to Rotgrip   Wildmane Zul'Farrak - SE Corner where you summon Gahz'rilla         Morndeep Blackrock Depths - Ring of Law   Stonefort Lower Blackrock Spire - First Rope Bridge   Bellowrage Blasted Lands 58,55 Rumblerock Burning Steppes 83,46 Dawnstrider Burning Steppes 64,24 Goldwell Dun Morogh 46,51 Windrun Eastern Plaguelands 39,75 Snowcrown Eastern Plaguelands 81,60 Stormbrow Elwynn Forest 40,63 Highpeak Hinterlands 49,48 Bronzebeard Ironforge - Mystic Ward 29,16 Silvervein Loch Modan 33,46 Obsidian Silverpine Forest - Sepulcher 45,41 Hamershout Stormwind - Park 22,52 Starglade Stranglethorn Vale 53,18 Winterhoof Stranglethorn Vale 26,76 Farwhisper Strahole - Near The Unforgiven   Starsong Temple of Atal'Hakkar (Sunken Temple)   Graveborn Trisfal Glades 61,53 Darkcore Undercity 67,38 Moonstrike Western Plaguelands 66,47 Skychaser Westfall - Sentinel Hill 56,47

Valadar Starsong

He offers various goods for coins.


In Chinese mythology there is a beast known as “Nien” that comes out during the Chinese New Year and attacks people. Nien is defeated by loud noises and the color red. That is why during the Chinese New Year you’ll see the various dragons roaring through parade while firecrackers go off and everything is decorated in red. Omen, in World of Warcraft, is an exact copy of Nien.

To summon Omen you must go to the southeastern shore of the lake and set off firecrackers until Minions of Omen show up. Kill them and continue to set off firecrackers. Eventually Omen will appear. He is mostly for level sixty players and level seventy players will not have much problem with him. The best tactic is to have a level 70 tank, a bunch of 60+ characters (about 15), and anyone else who wants to join in. Have the level 70 tank build enough aggro to hold him then have everyone DPS him down. When he casts Starfall get out of the way as it can kill even level 70 players swiftly.

In the mythology Nien disliked loud noises and that is where Elune’s Candle comes into play. It will launch fireworks at Omen which will do damage and silence him for awhile. Outside of using Elune’s Candles just DPS him down and watch out for Starfall (Scrolling Combat Text will inform you when he’s about to Starfall).

The reward for killing Omen is a buff called Elune’s Blessing. Get the buff and return to Valadar Starsong who will give you an Elune’s Lantern. Elune’s Lantern can turn a solid stone into an Elune Stone which is good all year round.


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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016