Managing Loot in a Guild - DKP vs. Loot Council

by on Mar 30, 2010

In Raid Guilds way too often the drama that ends up breaking apart the guild is over the loot that drops in the raids.

In Raid Guilds way too often the drama that ends up breaking apart the guild is over the loot that drops in the raids. Many times the fights that erupt that end up in guilds breaking apart could have been avoided by choosing the right loot system. Too often though loot is either done randomly or in a way that not everyone knows about. That’s why it is important to make the right choice for the loot system for your guild.

DKP has some pretty big pros that are important to most people, primarily that it is completely transparent. Players show up, earn points, and then the player with the most current points gets the gear if they want it. Simple, clean, and efficient. There are addons to manage it which is a plus, and makes it even simpler. Lastly it supports multiple groups in a guild, where you can attend different raids and the points work across all of the guild runs.

Check out the two most common loot systems and how they compare to each other and which is best for which type of guild in this guide to DKP vs. Loot council.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016