Mark Jacobs Talks Crafting

by on May 29, 2008

While never integral to a gaming syste, crafting is always a satisfying time sink that many people enjoy.

While never integral to a gaming syste, crafting is always a satisfying time sink that many people enjoy. Mark Jacobs and the Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning team have not ignored this fact and are working diligently to implement a robust system everyone will benefit from. Sitting down with Gamespy Mark goes through in detail what crafting will be like and discusses some of the reasoning behind it's design.

Mark Jacobs: I actually started with two negatives -- what I didn't want it to be. I didn't want it to be was a straight recipe-based system. We've used that before. Other games have used it and I think it's enough. If you look at all the MMOs out there, pretty much all the major ones have the same kind of system. You go out, you find recipes, you make ten thousand of the items and maybe if you're lucky, you make a little money. Until you get powerful enough to sometimes make the special items that may sometimes sell.

Check out the whole interview over at Gamespy

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016