Martin Bruusgaard Talks About TSW's Deck System

by on Feb 08, 2012

<p><em>The Secret World’s</em> lead designer sheds some light on the Deck system and some of the outfits that comes with it.

The Secret World is expected to release later this year and Lead Designer Martin Bruusgaard recently took some time to chat with GamesRadar about the Deck system and what players can earn for collecting all of a deck's abilities.

A deck in The Secret World is a collection of 7 active and 7 passive abilities that work well with each other. Each deck will enable the player to fulfill one or several roles, either soloing or teaming up with others. Upon collecting all 14 abilities the player is also given a kick-ass outfit, so he won't only be able to play the part, but also look the part! 

Bruusgaard also delves into the system’s creation and how flexible it can be in the player’s hands.

Source: The Secret World – Introducing the deck system

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016