Meet the Development Team: Ahmad Zabarah - Strike Team Leader

by on Jul 03, 2008

Believe it or not, the people making EA Mythic's Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning are real people too!

Believe it or not, the people making EA Mythic's Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning are real people too! They work in a real office, with real computers, and you get the idea. What are they like and how are they different from you and me? Ahmad Zabarah, Strike Team Leader (which is one of the coolest titles ever) shares a little bit more about himself, his hobbies, and what he things Warhammer Online will do for the industry.

4. What excites you about the Warhammer property? What makes it perfect for an MMO? What cool things in the Warhammer universe do you hope to bring to life?

The world of Warhammer is one of the most in-depth and detailed worlds out there with a history spanning many years. The different races, the nations, everything are so vividly distinct. No one is perfect; every character no matter how noble has its faults. All of these come together to create the perfect setting for an MMO, and it is my desire, and goal to make these all come to life.

Meet the Development Team: Ahmad Zabarah - Strike Team Leader

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016