Mitra's Method Interview with Shannon "Pharamond" Drake

by on Apr 21, 2008

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Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures is building momentum on the road to launch and Mitra's Method has posted a new article to add more steam. This time its an interview with Funcom's own Shannon "Pharamond" Drake. The interview discusses more Age of Conan features and Funcom's plans for the future as we travel down the road to launch.

But seriously. ;) While we're ever-hopeful for a completely smooth and pain-free launch day, and will be working tirelessly towards that with the open beta and PVP test and tech/stress tests and general beta (whew!), I don't think any of us is naive enough to think that everything will go completely smoothly and according to plan. However, we've made plans from everything is perfect (this one involves champagne) to real Wrath of God-type stuff (this one, not so much) and will be doing everything possible to keep players informed and happy should things go wrong and even if they go right.

You can read the full interview here. Join the discussion on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016