MMOGNation Grills Scott Hartsman on Kunark

by on Nov 06, 2007

<strong>Ah, nostalgia.</strong> Michael Zenke, of MMOGNation and Slashdot, has a lengthy interview with Scott Hartsman about Kunark and all things EQ-related up at his site.

Ah, nostalgia.

Michael Zenke, of MMOGNation and Slashdot, has a lengthy interview with Scott Hartsman about Kunark and all things EQ-related up at his site.

My dad the professional sales guy, for his entire career, he was one of the good guys where he would always describe the bad salesguys as the ‘used car salesmen’ trying to get you on the one sale. The good salesguys are the ones who understand you’re selling a relationship. I’ve always thought about MMOs the same way: they are all about the relationship. If you are not selling the relationship, as in you want to provide a service over a long period of time, you need to get out of the business. There’s no room for people who don’t want to play that way, and there’s no room for people who can’t afford to play that way.

Check it out at MMOGNation.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016