Interview: Erik Mogensen

by on Jan 16, 2007

The people over at recently got an interview with EA Mythic Licensing Director Erik Mogensen. Here's a peak:<p>

The people over at recently got an interview with EA Mythic Licensing Director Erik Mogensen. Here's a peak: 2006 was a big year for Games Workshop with the launch of Mark of Chaos, the Dawn of War expansions, and of course the development of Warhammer Online. Can you give us some insight into what is on the plate for 2007?

Erik Mogensen: First of all, I’d like to wish you and all the fans out there a very happy New Year. 2007 is going to be very exciting for all of us!

Obviously, the big news for MMO fans is that there is now less than a year to wait until Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning’s release date. We all know how fast a year can go by! I’m afraid I’m going to have to resort to the old ‘nothing’s been announced yet’ regarding other projects. Sorry. Our other licensees THQ and Namco Bandai Games have plans in the works, but I’m going to leave it to them to reveal what’s cooking when they think the time is right. I’ll tell you this much: I’m very busy these days!

You can view the entire interview by Clicking Here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016