Interview with Craig 'Silirrion' Morrison

by on Nov 14, 2008

<p> recently had the chance to speak with Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures Game Director, Craig <span class="style3 style3">'Silirrion' Morrison</span> about the recent content update that j recently had the chance to speak with Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures Game Director, Craig 'Silirrion' Morrison about the recent content update that just went live. The Interview discusses Ymir' Pass, how it will affect the game and the new dungeon within Ymir's Pass called the Amphitheater. The latest update brings countless new quests and adds additional content for levels 55-63. How much content will be added to Age of Conan with Ymir’s Pass both in terms of number of quests and time commitment?

Craig Morrison: In terms of quests there are dozens upon dozens of quests in the play-field. It’s also the largest, and I think the most impressive, playfield we have added to the game-world. It has the largest population of NPCs, camps and encounters. You could in theory play through almost ten levels of game-play just in this area if you wanted to, so there is a lot of content there, and that’s before you consider there is a new dungeon as well

You can read the entire Interview here. Discuss the latest Interview on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016