MMOSite Interview with Erling Ellingsen

by on Mar 28, 2008

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MMOSite has recently posted a new interview with Erling Ellingsen, Product Manager at Funcom. The new interview covers many topics ranging from the combat system, the likening of the Conqueror to a Paladin, the siege combat and PvP and many other topics. A juicy read for any Age of Conan fan.

MMOsite: Many players are interested in the new class Conqueror. Can we say Conqueror is like a paladin tank? What are the differences between Conqueror and Barbarian? Do you have any plan to add more new classes in the future?

Erling Ellingsen: I would definitely consider the Conqueror somewhat of a paladin. He can also be compared to the captain in The Lord of the Rings Online. He is someone who can inspire his men to do great (or foul) deeds, and using a set of spells he can strike fear into the heart of his enemies. The biggest difference between the Conqueror and the Barbarian is probably that the Barbarian can not use any spells, and is much more of a Rogue character than the Conqueror (who is a part of the Soldier archetype, making him able to take more damage).

You can read the full interview here. Tell us what you think on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016