More Burning Crusade previews

by on Jul 10, 2006

<strong>Action Trip</strong> have published an in-depth preview of the Burning crusade which covers a range of issues and also includes their thoughts about the direction the expansion pack is taking

Action Trip have published an in-depth preview of the Burning crusade which covers a range of issues and also includes their thoughts about the direction the expansion pack is taking at this stage!

Clearly, there is a lot going on behind the scenes as the development of both the original World of Warcraft game and the expansion continues, but that has not stopped the evolution of the end-game encounters. If you compare the rather dreary and unoriginal Onyxia encounter to the Buru the Gorger encounter in the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, most players would prefer to fight Buru, as the encounter is flat-out more fun. Also, while the original art work remains unrivaled, the art direction has not suffered with the addition of the new raid dungeons. The designs of the dungeons, epic armor pieces and bosses have been constantly improving since the game’s release.

Take a look at Action Trip's Burning Crusade Preview by clicking on the link!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016