More WoW Guide Books from Brady Games

by on May 15, 2006

Another addition to your 'how to' book collection from Brady Games!

It was discovered that as well as their range of strategy guides for Blizzard games, Brady Games have 2 new guidebooks - an atlas of the Warcraft World and a Dungeon Compendium. You may want to check them out!

Stopping by BradyGames' booth, I noticed that there was more than just a strategy guide out - they had a WOW Atlas and a Dungeon Compendium, as well. The WOW Atlas is a fully-illustrated hardcovered book that contains maps of the various areas and instances of WOW. WOW atlas comes with 8 bookmarks - one for each of the original WOW races. The Dungeon Companion is something they haven't released yet but Rachael, the representative running the booth, gave me a pretty good overview of it. The book covers all of the current dungeons from Rage Fire Chasm to AQ, and also covers the world boss encounters. The book will also contain mob stats, quest guides, and a lot of raid and dungeon oriented information.

The Atlas is currently available, and the Companion is due out this month.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016