New AA Vehicle Equipment Guide

by on Apr 28, 2006

<strong>Clearing up the hardpoints</strong><br /> <br /> Auto Assault might be the "fastest, most destructive MMORPG ever", but the game never leaves you short on interesting considerations. Foremost of which: the tires, armor, weapons, and other equipm

Clearing up the hardpoints

Auto Assault might be the "fastest, most destructive MMORPG ever", but the game never leaves you short on interesting considerations. Foremost of which: the tires, armor, weapons, and other equipment you should choose for your next jaunt through the post-apocalyptic plains. Our newest guide discusses your vehicle's functional slots, or "hardpoints", and how each piece of equipment's detailed stats affect what you'll bring to the fight.

"The car makes the man, and nowhere is this more true than in Auto Assault. Short of purchasing a new chassis, you can make a number of changes to your vehicle: power plant, tires, armor, 4 weapons slots, a hazard kit, and even a dancing hula girl ornament, perhaps?"

Read the Vehicle Hardpoints Guide at Auto Assault - TenTonHammer and know your thermobaric cannon from your isotropic power plant!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016