New Auto Assault Guides: Devices

by on May 31, 2006

<strong>Quaff this motor oil and retu.. wait a minute!</strong><br /> <br /> In <em>Auto Assault</em>, Devices (or Consumables) are an excellent way to turn a battle towards your favour. Whether you need a heal or a quick attribute boost, the devices ar

Quaff this motor oil and retu.. wait a minute!

In Auto Assault, Devices (or Consumables) are an excellent way to turn a battle towards your favour. Whether you need a heal or a quick attribute boost, the devices are there for you! Our guide highlights what they are, what they do, and where to get them!

Devices are any item that can be consumed for the purposes of healing, buffing, or doing damage. They shouldn’t be confused with Commodities, which are crafting related items. The best way to think about devices is to use a wonderful reference to your typical sword and sorcery MMORPG, that reference being potions. Sure you can’t quaff down a thing of motor oil in Auto Assault (unless you’re a Biomek!) but you can inject nanites, Contamination, or magnetics into your vehicle to make it stronger, better, healthier, or any of the other myriad effects that devices offer.

Eat a Zendig burger then head towards Auto Assault Mechanics: Devices at Auto Assault - Ten Ton Hammer

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016