New Interview with Jason "Athelan" Stone

by on Apr 16, 2008

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<!-- .style1 {font-family: Arial} --> recently posted a new interview with Jason "Athelan" Stone. The interview covered a variety of topics from how polished an MMORPG should be before launch and many of the aspects relating to Conan lore that you will find present in the game. The discussion also covered many aspects of the game and even what they think would happen if Arnold Schwarzenegger stepped into Age of Conan.

Jason: We have tried to stick to the lore as closely as we can. Things like racism, slavery, sex, drug use, and rape are present in the world where appropriate but as background color. You don't turn the corner and see an infamous Tijuana donkey show in an alley, but in interacting with NPC's and conversing with them you will definitely hear stories and background information that is filled with adult content. Players never themselves become involved directly in slavery, rape, or sex for example. Talked about before is that the first NPC you meet is a prostitute and you save her. When you get to town she offers you a reward, it is alluded to what type of reward she is offering as that is her profession but if you go down the path of innuendo she has to leave because a paying customer comes by and freebies come second. Of course the freebie never actually happens but the topic is still broached. We also took a stance making women on equal footing with men in the game while most women in Hyborea were simply practically naked waifish sextoys, while a few of them were much much more like Belit.

You can read the full interview here. Discuss it on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016