New Patch Schedule

by on Jul 01, 2008

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With the first month of launch behind Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures, Funcom has adjusted the patch schedule to now take place once a week. The new schedule will have patching take place on Wednesdays at 11am GMT / 7am EDT.

Now that the first month after launch is behind us, we have decided to change from two game updates a week to one (Wednesdays, 11am GMT / 7am EDT).

There is a number of reasons for this, but these are the most important


We want to reduce the downtime. We want each new update to be on our test server a few days longer to ensure that everything works as intended before releasing it.

The number of updates and bug fixes we do to the game will not decrease because of this change. We will work at the same pace, and if anything we will be more efficient since there has been a fair amount of overhead involved in releasing two updates each week. Urgent issues will still be addressed as they arise, but we no longer need scheduled downtime twice a week to do that.

We hope you will appreciate this change, and with the new update cycle also experience how dedicated we are to make Age of Conan an even better game.

You can read the official post here

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016