New PlanetSide 2 Backstory Reveals More About the Terran Republic

by on Oct 24, 2011

<p><em><a href="">PlanetSide 2</a></em> has revealed another segment of backstory that offers new details on the events that led to the formation of the Terran Republic.

PlanetSide 2 has three main factions that players can choose from with the Vanu Soverignty, Terran Republic and the New Conglomerate. But the oldest of the three is the Terran Republic, which formed on Earth following the discovery of a wormhole and the destruction of Pluto.

Fears of an unknown enemy led to the unifification of Earth’s governments under one banner that became known as the Terran Republic. From there, mankind united and formed a new paradise on Earth before striking out to the starts to quench their thirst for adventure.

The fifth installment of PlanetSide 2’s backstory comes in the form of a Holovid from Colonel Richmond Morgannis to his daughter and offers a lot of new details about the game's first faction – the Terran Republic.

There was no longer any need for individual governments. The Terran Republic, working for all the people, took their place. With representatives from all member nations, the T.R. dedicated itself first and foremost to worldwide defense, then to peace, prosperity and technological advancement for all. To achieve both security as well as advancement, the T.R. created a strict code of conduct for its people, with its ruling tenet being: No one is above the law. For all people to be free, all must follow the same rules. For the first time in mankind’s history, there would be total equality for everyone.

Source: PlanetSide 2 Backstory - January 5th, 2642 - The Holovid Diary of Colonel Richmond Morgannis

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016