New Racial Quest Guide for EverQuest 2 Half Elves

by on Jun 03, 2006

<strong>Wholesome help for EverQuest 2's Half Elves</strong><br /> <br /> Just because you're not a whole elf doesn't mean you don't need quest help sometimes. Kiara heads into the starting areas to give you the low down on all the Half Elf racial ques

Wholesome help for EverQuest 2's Half Elves

Just because you're not a whole elf doesn't mean you don't need quest help sometimes. Kiara heads into the starting areas to give you the low down on all the Half Elf racial quests.

So there was this update thingie a while back that reworked a lot of the pre level 20 content. Part of that included the introduction of race specific starting quests. Half elves, being half one thing and half another, go all out with that whole half thing and can start in either Qeynos or Freeport. Silly things, can't make up their minds. So of course, I had to do twice the quests for your folks' benefit! I'll accept all offerings of cash or chocolate.

Read the rest of this amusing and informative guide at EverQuest 2 - Ten Ton Hammer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016