New Stars Wars Gaming Coming

by on Sep 20, 2021

New Stars Wars Gaming Coming

New Stars Wars Gaming Coming

Tom Henderson has an article on DualShockers which covers a teeny, tiny, emerging rumor that French developer Quantic Dream may be working on an as yet unannounced Star Wars game. 

The rumor was first reported by French YouTuber and ex-journalist Gautoz on September 16, it was reported that “They’ve [Quantic Dream] now finished their contract with Sony and will be signing with Disney”

In a separate conversation, however, I was also speaking to an individual who provided overwhelming evidence that he had contacts at Quantic Dream and reported that the Star Wars game by the studio has been in the works for around 18 months.

The evidence was that concrete in fact, that I reported on the findings with a somewhat of a small cryptic tweet whilst the investigation into the news continued.

Last Updated: Sep 20, 2021