New TopTen List at wowvault.

by on Jul 09, 2005

Here's the latest Top Ten list from entitled :<br /> "Side-games they could or should add to Ironforge and Ogrimmar!"

Here's the latest Top Ten list from entitled :
"Side-games they could or should add to Ironforge and Ogrimmar!"

10) Tag! The person that is "IT" must tag another player. Pretty simple. - Days_FF
9) Catch the mechanical sheep- Last one alive wins - Killer-Medic
8) Fruit-o-matic machines: the latest craze from those enterprizing gnome engineers. 3 bananas in a row turns the player into a Tel'Abim Banana (restores 243 health over 21 seconds when eaten) - Yosarian_
7) Gnome football, Soccer, and Baseball. - Kilroggsfury
6) Game #2 - Hold a foot-race from the tram-station/griffin route to the auction house during peakperiods and each player who doesn't fall into the moat enroute wins a prize. - Trystwych
5) Fire Diving- Stay alive for as long as you can in the lava, See if you can get the high score! (IF only) - Robrules18
4) "The amazing race" No mounts. You have to run around to checkpoints.
The one who get's most checkpoints wins free windrides for the day. - Nordby1
3) Dodgeball - Zzottt
2) gnome lava skipping ... see how many times you can skip a gnome across te surface of the molten ore before he sinks. Works best if you can find a flat gnome... they tend to skip more. - OldBitterCraig

And what they should absolutely add to the major cities as a side-game, our winner of this week :

1) In Shimmering flats is a Raceway. Add about 8 more race craft. Make them random speeds per respawn. Run a Race out there every hour. Allow for BETTING in most major cities and in realtime watch the races out there. - Greybear1andonly

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016