New York Comic Con Online Game Panels

by on Apr 08, 2008

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style="font-style: italic;">Comic legend Stan
Lee is a perennial favorite at Comic Con.

Ten Ton Hammer is providing another great benefit to its href="">Premium Members
at the New York Comic Con on Sunday, April 20, 2008. We're offering our
faithful a chance to be in the front row for the Online Game Panels
hosted by Ten Ton Hammer! In addition to all the great events
surrounding comics, collectibles and films, we've invited a handful of
the best developers in online gaming to present topics that impact the
games you love to play. And when the developers open the floor for Q
& A, Ten Ton Hammer Premium Members get to ask their questions

Here's the full presentations lineup:

AM   CCP Games: EvE

"The Making of an Avatar: Character Customization Inside
and Out"

Technical Artist  Ben Mathis of CCP ( style="font-style: italic;">EVE Online)
demystifies the process of creating player avatars, explaining the
tools of the trade and how they are used to build a variety of looks
and styles that bring characters to life. Aspiring artists and game
designers, technophiles and fashionistas will enjoy this in-depth look
at one of the many facets of game development. style="font-weight: bold;">

PM   Warhammer
Online: Age of Reckoning



Paul Barnett, Jeff Hickman, and Josh Drescher are expected to be on
hand for this presentation about Warhammer
Online: Age of Reckoning
. Fans will get a sneak peak at
the game and ask questions to the team. style="font-weight: bold;">

1:00 PM  Turbine
Studios: Lord of the
Rings Online (LOTRO), Dungeons & Dragons Online


"Turbine Studios LOTRO Anniversary Presentation'

Craig Alexander will be on hand to present LOTRO just before its one
year anniversary. He is expected to discuss Book 13 and the
Mines of Moria
Expansion. Also Craig will discuss DDO, style="font-style: italic;"> Asheron's Call,
and life at Turbine Studios in general.

PM   Age
of Conan: Hyborian Adventures

"Age of


Funcom developer Jason Stone will be giving a presentation on style="font-style: italic;">Age of Conan for
fans. He is expected to show off some game videos and discuss Conan's
unique combat system. Jason will answer questions from fans.

3:00 PM  38
Studios: Building an Online Game World

"Creating the Online Entertainment Experience: 
Year One"

When creative visionaries Todd McFarlane ( style="font-style: italic;">Spawn), R.A.
Salvatore (Drizzt Do'Urden), and Curt Schilling (Boston Red Sox)
started 38 Studios in Boston in 2006, they had a plan for "World
Domination Though Gaming."  But what does it take to bring an
entire world to life?  Join panelists from the 38 Studios
creative team, including videotaped virtual panelists R. A. Salvatore
and Todd McFarlane, as they discuss the unique challenges faced in the
company's first year of development of an OEE™, the next generation of
fantasy MMO gaming.  Panelists include: Steve Danuser, Brian
Labore, Jeff Murchie, and Scott Cuthbertson. style="font-weight: bold;">

4:00 PM  Future
of Online Games Panel: All 5 Studios

"Future of Online Worlds Panel "

Developers from all five panels will be on hand to discuss the future
of the online game market--where they feel MMOs are going and what fans
can expect a few years away. Fans will get a chance to ask questions to
the group in regards to games, design, and working in video games.

Attendees must pay for their own tickets, travel arrangements, and
accommodations for the New
York Comic Con
. Why not put Premium Member benefits to work?
email your real name and Ten Ton Hammer forum handle href="">to
Danny "Ralsu" Gourley to get your name added to the VIP list.
He'll email back the details, and we'll take care of the rest! Ask your
important questions, and hang around in the room between sessions for a
chance to talk to developers one on one.

So, send your emails soon, and we'll see you at the New York Comic Con! style="font-weight: bold;">
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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016