Nexon's MMO Fighting Game Sugar Rush

by on Nov 21, 2008

<strong>Nexon shows its pugilistic side.</strong> <p></p>

Nexon shows its pugilistic side.

The words Sugar Rush don't bring online multiplayer fighting to mind, but that is exactly what Nexon has for us today. Launching their closed beta today, Nexon is proud to announce it's closed beta has started and will last until December 4th. What is Sugar Rush? Glad you asked:

"Sugar Rush unites combatants in the City of Bashew, an extraordinary world where a school girl carrying a baseball bat is as dangerous as a hulking tough guy swinging a giant salmon. Players battle in various combat arenas to collect “spark,” a vital source of energy, to win trophies and improve their rank in the game. Players can choose from three character classes - brawlers, ninjas or morphs - and customize each class with different weapons, clothes and physical features."

Nexon Publishing North America's parent company, Nexon Group, is well known for successful games in Asia such as Maple Story and Mabinogi, but Sugar Rush has been designed specifically for North America. Apparently we're all sugar addicts who like to fight, and after watching a few hours of the news, I'm convinced that they may be on to something.

For more information and to start your account, go to Sugar Rush and put up your dukes.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016