Offline Selling Down, Yet Again

by on Mar 11, 2006

If you haven't logged in yet, or if you've been busy adventuring, then you may not have noticed that offline selling is not working, yet again.

Here's what Moorgard had to say about it:

We had to temporarily shut down offline selling on all servers. Our apologies for the inconvenience. We'll have it back up again as soon as possible.

We certainly don't like disabling offline selling, but in this particular case the situation called for it.

Major upgrades to the broker system are in the works that should help avoid interruptions like this in the future.

Remember that you can still use the original system of selling from your inventory rather than your house vault. You must be online and in your room to make the sale. Again, this only works with items in your character's inventory. Anything stored in the house vault is considered part of offline selling and can't be purchased until offline selling is back up.

Yeah, we know it's a pain. We hope this fixes the issues that have been bringing offline selling down. Waiting on a solid permanent fix is always better than getting a bandaid and revisiting this problem again.

Here's the link to Moorgard's post, and we'll keep a look out for any updates, and be sure to post them here at EQ2@TenTonHammer!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016