Old McFarmer Had Some Plat...

by on Apr 04, 2006

With the exception of Station Exchange servers, the secondary market is against Sony's end user license agreement.

With the exception of Station Exchange servers, the secondary market is against Sony's end user license agreement. Many people located in many different countries jump at the chance of making real dollars for online property. Slide takes us behind the scenes of popular business properly nicknamed "farming" and "plat selling". There was a farmer had a coin and platinum was its name-o.

Massively Multiplayer Online Role playing games have always had a secondary market to contend with, from Ultima Online to the current games like World of Warcraft and EverQuest II. The secondary market is considered a hindrance to most. Players get annoyed and developers are constantly trying to shut them down. So what is it? The secondary market can be described as in game items and currency crossing over into the real life market. This is where individuals make real dollars from selling items and game currency to players.

Read the rest of this great article here

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016