Ost Forod Quest Guide

by on Dec 20, 2007

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Ost Forod Quest Guide

By: Martuk

Ost Forod lies in the northern reaches of Evendim northeast of Tinnudir. This city was established as a trading post for the local inhabitants who converted the once great ruins into what it is today. This loosely assembled outpost is subject to the influence of brigands and thieves who operate out of it. The locals are more than willing to hire outside help to deal with not only the brigands, but the goblin and warg menace that lurks outside the walls of Ost Forod.


Parr Chopley (Ost Forod Loc: 8.1S, 64.2W) Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
A Striking Absence of Boar
Parr Chopley let his stomach lead him too far, wandering the northern ways into Evendim, where he chanced upon the rough town of Ost Forod. Nevertheless, he has not let it daunt him. He is in the mood for a nice, hearty boar-steak, but he is concerned that he hasn't seen any boars in all of Evendim. Search for boars in Evendim. There are no boars and the quest is on a timer. Just do other things for a while and then speak with Par again once the time has passed.
(30 minutes)
7s 98c
A Curious Number of Bears
Parr Chopley has decided that he will make do with some delicious bear-steaks instead, since Evendim seems to have a striking absence of boars. Collect some choice cut bear meat for Par Chopley. Bears can be found north of Ost Forod near Tyrn Fornech or East in Nan Orngon
20s 30c

Steak Tenderizer

Chopley's Hat

Chopley's Hands
A Striking Absence of Boar


Poppy Seaton (Ost Forod Loc: 12.64S, 67.36W) Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Goblins in the Hollow
Poppy Seaton is distressed by the fact that goblins have taken up residence so near to Ost Forod and wants something done about them. Slay 12 goblins in Tum Fuin. Tum Fuin is north of Ost Forod at
Loc: 4.4S, 65.2W.
19s 95c

Seaton's Robes



Rowena Parker (Ost Forod Loc: 7.33S, 64.25W) Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Practiced Villainy
Rowena Parker is concerned at the increasing boldness of the tomb-robbers that creep among the hills of Tyrn Fornech. Slay 8 Veteran Tomb Robbers.

Slay 8 Scouting Tomb Robbers.

You can find these Tomb Robbers north and east of Ost Forod and on the island of Rantost.
19s 95c

Parker's Jacket


Clark Standish (Ost Forod Loc: 8.01S, 64.59W) Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Escape from Duskencleft
Clark Standish encountered a gang of tomb-robbers at Duskencleft, and believes they might have hidden a satchel of stolen relics there. Collect the satchel of stolen relics from

Loc: 5.1S, 66.8W
19s 95c

Standish's Gloves


Ballard Wilmer (Ost Forod Loc: 8.0S, 64.2W) Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Ballard Wilmer
the White Warg
Ballard Wilmer had an encounter with white Wargs in the hills of Tyrn Fornech and is now deathly afraid of the creatures. Slay 8 of the white Warg. They can be found around Tyrn Fornech, north of Ost Forod.
19s 95c

White-Warg Hunter


Spring Standish (Ost Forod Loc: 7.75S, 64.27W) Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Trouble at Cirith Rhîw
Spring Standish is concerned about the lack of trade with the Snowmen of Forochel ever since tomb-robbers seized the gate at Cirith Rhîw. Slay the Tomb-robber Captain who stands guarding the gate of Cirith Rhîw at

Loc: 3.1S, 63.8W.
20s 30c

Reaper of Cirith Rhiw

Standish's Shoes

If becoming Bounty Hunter sounds appealing, make sure to try this Evendim Bounty Hunter.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016