Page Three

by on May 06, 2007

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Alliance Leveling Guide 60-70

"The Fastest Path to 70!"

This is a continuation of our Alliance level 60-70 guide. From here we continue to take you step by step in the fastest way possible to level seventy. If this is your first character or your fourth this guide will help you speed through the levels by telling you the most efficient way to go about gaining XP and doing quests.

The last place this guide left you should have been Honor Hold with your XP bar resting somewhere close to sixty one (if not past it!). This section of the guide takes you to level sixty two, or close to it. You'll have to grind your way to the rest of the way properly or do instances, but this guide should get you close as possible!


Level Sixty One to Sixty Two

At Honor Hold you’re going to want to return to the western tower and pick up “Looking to the Leadership”.

Now, head back to the warp fields and find an Uncontrolled Voidwalker. You just need to get it to about 1/4th of its HP then use the crystal. Congratulations you’ve just finished one of the easiest quest parts ever. Now head over to Zeth’Gor to the east and kill all the  Orcs for their cursed talismans. This is a REALLY REALLY REALLY bad drop rate unless you luck up, so this is pretty much that sweet grinded XP that puts you ahead of other quests.

Turn it back in at the expedition point then accept the follow up called “Warlord of the Bleeding hollow”. Guess what? Boss time! Return to the Orc encampment and head to the circular Orc hut in the middle. What I did was run in there and die, then rez in a safe place to clear near a door and fight the guy. He was pretty easy to me, but you may have different results.

Return to the temple (after turning that quest in) in order to turn in “An Ambitious Plan”. You’re getting close to done with Hellfire Penninsula! Head to the Cenarion Post at 15,52 and accept all of the quests there. They have “Keep Thornpoint Hill Clear!”, “Helping the Cenarion Post”, “Demonic Contamination” and “Colossal Menace” which you may want to come back and solo later.

Rest of your current time in Hellfire Peninsula will either be instances or these quests. So let’s get started with the quests first. You’re going to want to take out the Hulking Helboars near the temple (eastward) which when enough blood is collected you’ll be able to turn it in for “testing the Antidote”. Use is on a Hulking Helboar and then fight a super Helboar. Haha! Guess it didn’t work. Head back to the Cenarion Outpost for your reward. Now then…

Go to Thornpoint Hill and kill the Ravagers. Well… the rest of the quests we’ll finish later or in another zone. The thing here is that you need to be sixty two to start Zangarmarsh proper. You’ve got a few choices. If you’re not already sixty two (which would surprise me), go and do the instances. Head back to Honor Hold and load up on instance quests then run Ramparts and Blood Furnace. The other option is just grind easy to kill stuff. Anyway your goal is sixty two. Get there.

Head back to Ironforge and train up. If you’re a savvy Outlander you’ve got a bind at Shattrath. If not, then well just get to whatever major city and train your skills as you’ll need them. Buy food, get drinks, whatever you need.

Next up, walk your character to Zangarmarsh. Zangarmarsh is just following the road west out of Hellfire Peninsula. Now, when you get to Zangarmarsh you can get two very important flightpaths.

There is no flightpath at the Cenarion Outpost. As Alliance you’re going to want to head to Orebor Harborage which is located at 47,27 or along the northwall and the entrance to Blade’s Edge Mountains for the Alliance. This is the only Zangarmarsh fp for the Alliance so it’s best to grab it now. You can get it when you come to this village soon, or you can have it available if you need to head somewhere else and get back to work in Zangarmarsh.

The second flightpath is Shattrath City. From the Cenarion Refuge head south down the road to Teokkar. Follow the signs to Shattrath City, you can’t miss it.

Tune in soon for more! We're updating it as we go along looking for the best way to get you to 70. Expect updates every few days!

Continue to 62 - 62.5!

Return to 60.5-61!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016