Patch Notes 5/23/2008

by on May 23, 2008

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Funcom has provided us with a small patch today for Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures. The patch fixes a few issues that players have been experiencing recently and fixes that pesky issue with Lacheish Plains.


* Characters should no longer get stuck when they zone into Lacheish Plains.


* Nalla now has a more solid supply of items to sell.

* Potent Bittersharp potion now again heals hitpoints instead of stamina


* King Atzel have gotten a revamp. Buff spells have been redone he uses combos.

* The patrols in Atzel's Fortress now respawn faster


* Destiny Quest 80 Cimmeria: The Grim Grey God - The Soul Chamber - Charm of Protection now works again inside Onyx Chambers.

* Invading the Supply Camp: It is now possible to trick Supply Master Vorgir to come out of his tent by destroying his ale cask.

* Xan's Bounty: A message in the bottle will now send you on a journey to kill an ape queen on a distant island near White Sands.


* Recipes should no longer disappear when you get advanced skills.

* Armorsmith crafting Tier 2 now shows second page of recipes.

* The price Tamder mentions when players get gemcutting quests is now correct.

* Resources gathered now end up in the correct inventory again if more than one player is gathering the same resource.


* Spellweaving has been temporarily disabled for Tempest of Set due to a recent bug.

You can read the official announcement here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016