Patch Postponed

by on Jul 30, 2008

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Funcom recently made an announcement postponing the update that was scheduled to go live Wednesday, July 31st for further testing. Famine released this statement on the official forums...


The planned update for tomorrow (Wednesday) has been postponed until further notice for additional testing. The current plan is to shoot for the update on Thursday, July 31st after additional testing has been completed.

While we are working hard to try and be able to update the live servers on Thursday, it is more important that the update is tested and that we are happy with its state for a release to live. If we cannot test the remaining features fully over the course of tomorrow, we may hold the update over to the following week.

We will provide more information on the update postponement as soon as it becomes available.


You can read the announcement here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016