Paul Barnett's GDC Blog #3 - Elvis is in the GDC

on Mar 27, 2009

For the third straight day, the Ten Ton Hammer staff is proud to present Paul Barnett's exclusive blog from GDC '09. If you haven't read all the articles, <a href="" target="_blank">make sure you do</a>. In toda

I met Elvis today.

He was looking a little older but gave me a smile and a nice hand
shake. He was gracious and gave me his email and his mobile number. It
was a great time.

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Barnett, Creative Director at Mythic Entertainment

I should explain.

You see, music is important.  It’s one of those
things that creates memory hooks in your head. It allows you to recall
sounds, smells, shapes and feelings from your past. Hear the right
music and you are automagically transported back in time.

Good music reaches you during your golden period - the bit when things
were changing quickly in your life, when important things were
happening, almost every week. These moments need a soundtrack - a
reason to be remembered. And music allows you to connect. Before you
know it, you realize that the music is singing directly into your soul
that you are connected to the person or people who made it. That -
unlike the music that came before or the music that will come in the
future - this music is important.

Now assume that I am not talking about music but about computer games.

That for me it was not about Elvis, Joy Division, The Smiths or The
Clash. That it was games that sang to my soul, games that made an
impact, games that got into my DNA.

Now assume I am at GDC, minding my own business when I see Elvis, not
the musical one, but the man who made those games - the Great Ones.

I got to meet Elvis and it was all I hoped it was going to be.

Computer games rock.

target="_blank">(Read all of Paul's GDC '09 blogs by
clicking here!)

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016