PAX 2007 Preview: A Look Ahead

by on Aug 23, 2007

by Cameron "Aelryn" Sorden

Ah, Seattle. Home of rain, coffee, grunge, and most importantly, the uber-geeky gaming festival known to hordes of Penny Arcade fans as Penny Arcade Expo, or simply PAX. If you've never heard of PAX before, it's essentially a three-day celebration of all the things that gamers love, sponsored by the gaming gurus responsible for the amusing web comics at There are concerts, game exhibits, gaming free-play areas, game product previews, and, of course, more games than you can shake a stick at (without your arm getting pretty tired, that is)! There's even a weekend-long Omegathon event where gamers pit their skills against one another in the ultimate gaming challenge. PAX is something akin to heaven for nerds, which works just fine for me.

There's always a good mix of games represented at PAX. With sponsors like Microsoft, Sony, ArenaNet, Ubisoft, Wizards of the Coast, and a whole host of other entertainment-related companies I'm not going to even try listing, it's safe to assume that if it involves rolling dice, flopping cards, or mashing buttons, you'll find it there. However, Ten Ton Hammer's focus is the same as it always is: Bring you the best coverage out there for every MMOG we can get our hands on.

We have a number of exciting previews scheduled at this year's PAX for you all to drool over. You can expect to hear the latest info about Pirates of the Burning Sea, Fury, Warhammer Online, Guild Wars: Eye of the North, and Tabula Rasa. We also have an appointment set up with GameTap, and there are several interesting panels we'll be reporting on.

That's just the stuff we have planned, though. I can assure you that there will be more than a few surprises from us as we wander around the convention floor and write about whatever catches our eye. Between the Omegathon, the nightly concerts, and the numerous gaming competitions and events, there's guaranteed to be plenty to cover.

Don't think the fun stops with the written word, though. Being the human machine that I am, I'll be dragging my camera along with me, too. In between recording developer commentary and scribbling frenzied notes, I'll try my best to snap pictures like a madman. It will be almost like you attended PAX yourself! I'll be one busy writer, but I can promise you that I won't rest until I have every tasty tidbit of info into your sweaty, shaking hands.

Keep an eye on Ten Ton Hammer and watch as our PAX coverage rolls out all next week!

Make sure you check out all
of our PAX 2007

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016