Pirates of the Burning Sea: Underdog PvP Tools

by on Mar 10, 2008

<strong>Underdog (Tools): Here to save the day!</strong>

Underdog (Tools): Here to save the day!

What's to prevent 1000 players from utterly destroying 100 players through constant attacks? Just the underdog tools that Flying Lab put in Pirates of the Burning Sea to avoid that specific scenario. Read all about them in this latest developer log.

While we’ve made a number of design decisions intended to insulate the PvP mechanics from population imbalances, the truth is that a thousand players on one team are probably going to be able to keep up a sustained PvP effort against a hundred players on another team. Inevitably, even if just through attrition, the larger-population team is going to win.

Since well before launch, therefore, we’ve had a plan for what we call the ‘underdog tools’. They’re a variety of approaches to the population issues, from simple UI features to complex back-end PvP calculations. In the simplest terms, they fall into two categories: incentives and modifications.

Read more about them at the official site.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016