Plantsitting in EQ2

by on Apr 27, 2006

<strong>The venus flytrap grocery stores used to sell, times 10.</strong><br /> <br /> Included with the retail version of EverQuest 2's latest <em>Kingdom of Sky</em> expansion is a carniverous houseplant. Ever wonder what it does in your room when you

The venus flytrap grocery stores used to sell, times 10.

Included with the retail version of EverQuest 2's latest Kingdom of Sky expansion is a carniverous houseplant. Ever wonder what it does in your room when you aren't there? Our EQ2 site lead RadarX sleeps with herbicide on the night table, but Niami Denmother of EQ2 Traders takes a different approach. Join her, as she weaves another of her wonderful tales.

Niami DenMother ("Mum" to her friends) was, at heart, a very nice halfling, especially as far as redheads went. So, when the exceedingly strange gnome that had just moved in down the street asked for some plant-sitting help, she didn't slam the door in his face, comment on his shifty eyes, or his nervous giggle, or do any of her first dozen-ish impulses. "Business trip, eh? Why o' course I'd be happy tae watch this ... um ... plant frae ye, lad."

Read the rest of "Adventures in Plant-Sitting", at EQ2 - TenTonHammer. WoW might have the numbers, but learn why EQ2 players have more fun!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016