Playing EQ2 Under the Influence

by on Apr 18, 2006

<strong>Congregating with cocktails...</strong><br /> <br /> Slide, at EQ2 - TenTonHammer, took a totally different tack on our weekly debate topic (this week we're looking at what makes an MMO "massively multiplayer" - and whether that's a bit of a mis

Congregating with cocktails...

Slide, at EQ2 - TenTonHammer, took a totally different tack on our weekly debate topic (this week we're looking at what makes an MMO "massively multiplayer" - and whether that's a bit of a misnomer since, for the most part, players do their own thing). He took the opportunity to talk about alcohol and real-life drinking by MMO players, and whether drinking changes the solo/group dynamics. At first, the editors were skeptical, but by their third or fourth drink, Slide's article started making a lot of sense (*hic*).

Many, many people mix alcohol with EverQuest 2 daily. Studying this article should better prepare you for what to expect and what to look for. There are pros and cons to drinking while in-game. Yep, I said there were pros. Take a walk with me if you dare discover what lies beneath the sober shroud of responsibility and good behavior.

Boozin', buffin', and bashin', sounds like a busy evening for Slide and the gang at EQ2 - TenTonHammer!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016