Portal: Kinship Listing

by on Dec 07, 2006

</br> </br> </br> <div style="text-align: center;"><h1>The Kinships of Middle-earth</h1></div> </br> </br> </br> </br> </br> </br> <ul> <h3><li><a

The Kinships of Middle-earth

href="http://lotro.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=476">Kinship Interview: Firebeards Clan - A casual, semi-RP kinship with a dwarf-only aspect.

Shadow Company (Landroval Server)

- A mercenary themed, role-play light/respectful Kinship

The Silent Guard (Landroval Server)

- A mature role-playing friendly Kinship

Creations of Light (Gladden Server)

-A family-friendly social kinship with Christian Leadership

The Green Company (Landroval server)

-A moderate-heavy RP kinship

The Red Legion (Silverload server)

-A mature helpful and friendly kinship

Grace of the Valar (Landroval server)

-A fun and mature endgame kinship

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016