PvP Culture in WoW

by on May 31, 2006

Tired of the grind to get a high PvP rank? So are a lot of other players. Frybread from notaddicted.com posted a very interesting article yesterday on the topic.<br />

Tired of the grind to get a high PvP rank? So are a lot of other players. Frybread from notaddicted.com posted a very interesting article yesterday on the topic.

The difficulty with World of Warcraft’s PvP system is decay. After a couple months you can climb your way to rank 10, but if you slack off and get a job, watch a few movies with your friends or go out of town on the weekend, you’ll be back to rank 9. To climb the ranks in WoW you have to play constantly. There is no such thing as vacation. There are no holidays, no leniency. The system is more of a hardass than any boss and needier than any girlfriend.

You can read the whole article here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016