PvP Debate

by on Mar 13, 2006

mmorpg.com posts a new debate each week, and this week they look at PvP. Two of their editors debate PvP, how it is, how it should be and personal preferences.<br />

mmorpg.com posts a new debate each week, and this week they look at PvP. Two of their editors debate PvP, how it is, how it should be and personal preferences.

Frank Mignone: For Me, PvP shouldn't be some gimmick. Player vs. player is a means of play, not a place in the world. I get so annoyed with peeps standing around in WoW waiting for another 'session of PvP'...a bunch of people not playing a game, yea that's PvP evolution in the right direction, right? You realize you deserve better right?

You can read the whole article here: The Great PvP Debate.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016