Q&A with Design Team for TR

by on Oct 24, 2007

RPG Vault has scored another Q&A with the Tabula Rasa design team tossing a few questions at James Parkman, Susan Kath, Christofer Strasz and Michael Moore. They discuss the mission map work they've accomplished, combat system creation, the mold breakin

RPG Vault has scored another Q&A with the Tabula Rasa design team tossing a few questions at James Parkman, Susan Kath, Christofer Strasz and Michael Moore. They discuss the mission map work they've accomplished, combat system creation, the mold breaking UI, and a lot more.

The biggest challenge for me has always been the sheer volume of data that defines the game. My hands are on the dials, but there are thousands of them. This means that often, making small changes to one aspect of the game means changing dozens or even hundreds of data points. To help with this, I've relied heavily on my past experience working with relational databases and spreadsheets; I'm very good at making computers do the hard part of my job for me.

Kick back and read the interview in its entirety here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016