Q&A with Paul Sams, Blizzard Entertainment’s chief operating officer, on post-merger life

by on Aug 19, 2008

<strong>What's it like after the merger?</strong>

What's it like after the merger?

That's what the site Venture Beat wanted to know when they sat down with for a Q&A with Paul Sams, Blizzard Entertainment’s chief operating officer. They also asked a few game related questions such as...

VB: I know there is one thing your fans want. They want you to make your games faster. It’s going to be 10 years between StarCraft and StarCraft II.

PS: We wish we could make them faster. You can make a really good game in a reasonable time frame but the time it takes to polish it and make it great is not a short period. If people want our games more quickly, they would get something not as good. We have an uncompromising view on what we should deliver. It’s painful for us and them at times. It causes strife. But it’s good for everyone. They can then feel fulfilled and like they got their money’s worth.

You can read the whole interview here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016