Quakers to Make an MMO

by on Oct 26, 2008

<strong>Welcome to the World of Peacecraft</strong>

Welcome to the World of Peacecraft

The Religious Society of Friends (a.k.a. the Quakers) have decided it's time to jump into the gaming world, and are working on their first MMO: World of Peacecraft. While not exactly pacifists, the Quakers have long stood against unnecessary violence - so the title makes sense. And if you're worried Blizzard might sue over the name, I doubt that's likely. This game will be nothing like World of Warcraft.

Different quests will take you back in time in Quaker history, according to the notice. You begin in 17th Century England, as you walk in the shoes of Quaker founder George Fox, preaching against the evils of war and unjust rule, meeting in clandestine locations to avoid persecution, and facing beatings and imprisonment at every turn. Then you are transported to the early 1800s in the United States, helping shepherd escaped slaves to freedom as part of the Underground Railroad. Later quests involve you in the women's suffrage movement, the civil rights movement, and the anti-death penalty and anti-war protests of today.

It certainly sounds like it would do better as a single player game, instead of a MMO. Oh, and it's being released in December. Of this year. Don't play this game for enjoyment, but if you're interested in history, it might be worth looking in to.

For more information, please check here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016