Questing in the North Downs: Aiding the Elves of Lin Giliath

by on Jan 16, 2008

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Questing in the North Downs: Aiding the Elves of Lin Giliath

By: Martuk

The small outpost of Lin Giliath lies just south of Esteldin in the southern reaches of Meluinen. The Elves of this outpost are under constant threat from the many surrounding areas. Orcs and goblins are all around and their forces are to few to fight the battles they face alone. This offers plenty of opportunities for the willing adventurer, and mercenary to aid the Elves and earn some coin and experience while bashing the skulls of a few orcs. What could be better?

Aglardir (Lin Giliath Loc: 13.67S, 44.63W)
Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Scattered Belongings
Aglardir has undertaken the difficult task of restoring Lin Giliath to peace in the wake of the Stone-troll attack. Search 3 of the shattered barrels around Lin Giliath. The barrels are all around the shores of the water surrounding Lin Giliath.
Aglardir's Ruby Ring


Aglardir (Lin Giliath Loc: 13.67S, 44.63W) Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Provisions for the Glade
Many of the provisions stored at Lin Giliath were ruined by the Stone-trolls during their attack. Collect 5 Auroch Steaks from the Auroch. You can find Auroch in Kingsfell and just southwest of Esteldin.
Aurochs Skinner
Scattered Belongings
Inform Esteldín
You have helped Aglardir resupply Lin Giliath, but his worries are not yet eased. The original mission of Gildor Inglorion's company remains unfulfilled. Speak with Dagoras in Esteldin. You can find him around
Loc: 9.5S, 42.3W.
Provisions for the Glade


Medlichen (Lin Giliath Loc: 13.62S, 44.65W)
Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Guardians of the Glade
Medlichen is concerned that the Stone-trolls will return when they learn that Elves have come back to Lin Giliath and believes that they should bolster their defences.

Place the 3 Canels on the pedstals. They are located in the following locations.

Loc: 15.3S, 44W
Loc: 14.5S, 43.8W
Loc: 14S, 43.4W

Guardian of the Glade
Scattered Belongings


Brethilwen (Lin Giliath Loc: 13.77S, 44.87W) Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Orc Excursions
Meluinen is threatened by the presence of a large encampment of Tarkrîp Orcs in the valley to the south-west. Slay 8 Orcs in Meluinen. Orcs roam the area along the hills and the paths leading south.
Scattered Belongings


Silefalas (Lin Giliath Loc: 13.65S, 44.89W)
Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Insect Menace
Silefalas believes the sickle-flies in the marshes of Meluinen have been disturbed by the recent aggression of the Stone-trolls. Slay 10 Sickle-flies in the marshes of Meluinen.
14s 50c
Silefalas' Axe
Scattered Belongings


Gandelin (Lin Giliath Loc: 13.7S, 44.73W) Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Touch of Corruption
The Orcs of Gurzlum in the Kingsfell use spider venom to coat their blades and arrows.

Collect 12 Ongburz venom-pouches and slay the Ongburz Defiler.

The needed orcs can be found roaming the fields of Kingsfell.
Ongburz Defiler can be found at Loc: 12.65S, 46.26W

Scattered Belongings


Thaliollang (Lin Giliath Loc: 13.72S, 44.55W) Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
The Wayward Companion
Lagorlam, a member of the company of Elves who came north with Gildor Inglorion, entered Taur Gonwaith, seeking vengeance against the trolls who attacked Lin Giliath. He has not returned, which concerns Thaliollang. Find Lagorlam in Taur Gonwaith and rescue him. He is being held near
Loc: 14.2S, 41.5W.
Scattered Belongings
Lagorlam (Taur Gonwaith Loc: 14.2S, 41.5W)
Rescuing Vengeance
Lagorlam, a member of the company of Elves who came north with Gildor Inglorion, entered Taur Gonwaith, seeking revenge against the trolls who attacked Lin Giliath. Escort Lagorlam to safety and then speak with Thaliollang.
The Wayward Companion


Thaliollang (Lin Giliath Loc: 13.72S, 44.55W)
Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
The Stolen Ornament
Lagorlam, the Elf you rescued from the Stone-trolls at Taur Gonwaith, reported to Thaliollang that the chief of the trolls had in his possession an ornament once belonging to Lachenn, Master of Lin Giliath. Slay Gurmagath at
Loc: 14.4S 41.2W
in Taur Gonwaith.
Provisions for the Glade
The Troll-keeper
Thaliollang believes that Lachenn had tried to write "Angmar" on the back of his ornament and takes it as a sign that it is an emissary of Angmar that had stirred the Stone-trolls. Slay the Angmarim Troll-keeper within the cave of Taur Gonwaith.You can find the cave at
Loc: 16.5S, 42W. Be sure to take friends.
Favargair's Foil
Longbeard's Hammer
The Stolen Ornament


Baranwen (Lin Giliath Loc: 13.58S, 44.87W)
Level Quest Name Background Task Reward Prerequisite
Disarming the Valley
Lagorlam learned of the presence of North-men during his excursion into Taur Gonwaith. Upon hearing Lagorlam's tale, Baranwen has grown alarmed at this bold move by the Men of Angmar. Collect 5 Weapons Chests. The cave containing the weapons chests can be found at Loc: 16.5S, 42W.
The Stolen Ornament

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016