Reakktor Media Discusses Black Prophecy

by on Apr 25, 2009

It might still be in development, but Reakktor's Black Prophecy is widely discussed among space MMO game fans. Community Manager Chris Schuett sat down with Rock, Paper, Shotgun and discussed...

It might still be in development, but Reakktor's Black Prophecy is widely discussed among space MMO game fans. Community Manager Chris Schuett sat down with Rock, Paper, Shotgun and discussed their vision, the progress, and what we can expect to see in the near future.

RPS: How is the game structured? Is it a room/jumpgate model of space? Or something different? And will it be sharded? Are there limits on PvP?

Schuett: While important sectors like mission hubs or any other gathering places will be persistent, the major part of the game will play in instances to allow players to enjoy the story and missions alone or with their friends, without interference from other players. Nonetheless fans of open world PvE and PvP also won’t miss out.

You can find the whole interview over at Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016