RF Online - Preview at 1Up

by on Dec 29, 2005

1Up has a pretty good preview of RF Online up today.<blockquote>There's a bit of something-for-everyone from a design that blends fantasy and magic with sci-fi action. The story goes that three factions are locked in battle for this planet. The Holy Allia

1Up has a pretty good preview of RF Online up today.

There's a bit of something-for-everyone from a design that blends fantasy and magic with sci-fi action. The story goes that three factions are locked in battle for this planet. The Holy Alliance Cora takes the classic high fantasy route. Its lithe elfin warriors look the part, capped off with their Final Fantasy styled summoning ability. Mech fans will probably like the Bellatio Union. Their more human-like appearance and reliance on technology includes their carrying a mech with them that they can pull out and mount to fight from. And finally, there's the Accretia Empire that counters the other two organic lifeforms with cyborgs. Their heavy frames allow them to mount a tremendous weapon known as the launcher.

Read it in it's entirety here

A little piece inside of me still wishes that they had published Dragon Empires

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016